Category : Public Service Innovation (Innovation in Service Delivery)
Innovation Title : National Intelligence for Skills, Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship
Organization : Aspire to Innovate (a2i) Programme, ICT Division
As an LDC graduating country, Bangladesh is facing somestumbling blocks in its way to becoming a developed countryby 2041 and achieving SDG 8 (Decent work and economicgrowth) and 4 (Quality education) due to the huge supply anddemand gap in skills, education, employment, andentrepreneurship. To minimize the supply-demand gap,Aspire to Innovate (a2i) Programme of BangladeshGovernment and UNDP Bangladesh innovated amatchmaking platform based on real-time data- NationalIntelligence for Skills, Education, Employment andEntrepreneurship (NISE³ ).
■ To support data driven decision making and policy formula- tion.
■ To support matchmaking among Youth, Skills Providers, Industries.
■ To create a one-stop job solution for youth.
■ To facilitate career counseling and guidance.
■ To forecast future occupations.
■ To track employment records.
■ To create a central database for youth.
The Idea
■ Bringing together 32 Govt. Departments that are relevant to skills development under 23 ministries into one platform.
■ Connecting 42 industry associations into a single platform to make sure the HR demands from their member industries can be visualized in real time.
■ Providing career guidance for the youth & apprenticeship opportunities.
■ Offering suggestions on business and entrepreneurship.
■ Showcasing migration opportunities to potential migrants.
■ Sensemaking of NISE³ engaging the Cabinet Division.
■ Arranging data mapping workshops.
■ Developing common frameworks for supply side and a separate common framework for demand side.
■ Onboarding the govt. and private organizations one by one and providing ToT.
Value Addition
■ NISE³ is a one-stop platform where the stakeholders canfulfill the needs of one another for stimulating economicgrowth.
■ NISE³ is simplifying and digitalizing the services offered bypublic-private skills service providers as well as sharingreal-time data for job forecasting.
■ This platform is also contributing to youth employment bygiving the registered youth access to career counseling andguidance, job forecast, apprenticeship opportunities, businessand entrepreneurship guidance, migration suggestions, etc.
■ Most importantly, NISE³ has transformed into a Digital DataHub to empower the government to take data drivendecisions for planning and policy formulation.
Results and Impact
■ Currently, several Ministries and Departments arementoring and monitoring their skills development initiativesthrough NISE³ , notably DYD, BITAC, SMEF etc.
■ NISE³ now has 312,728 registered youths, 602 public andprivate skills service providers and 1,551 industries providingservices to one another.
■ During COVID-19 pandemic, NISE³ hosted over 14000digital contents ensuring that skills development continuedwithout interruption.
■ For its significant impact on skills development, NISE³ wonthe world’s most prestigious ICT Award- “World Summit onthe Information Society (WSIS) Champion 2020” in the”e-Employment” category by InternationalTelecommunication Union (ITU), Switzerland.
■ NISE³ is already replicated in Somalia as “Shaqo Abuur” bythe Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Technologysupported by UNDP Somalia and CDO in New York and theplatform has enabled the Somalia Govt. to take data drivendecisions for reducing their unemployment rate.