Category : Public Service Innovation (Citizen Co-Creation)
Innovation Title : MuktoPaath
Organization : Aspire to Innovate (a2i) Programme, ICT Division
MuktoPaath is a unique e-Learning platform in Bangla forprofessional and skills development over multiple sectors. Theinitiative is focused to serve the people considering TCV(Time, Cost & Visit) and it has also widen the scope of learningto a greater extent than ever before. Being one of the largeste-Learning platforms in Bangladesh, MuktoPaath envisions toserve online, offline and blended learning facilities fromexperts, policymakers and academicians at minimal expenses.MuktoPaath, in collaboration with the Directorate General ofHealth Services (DGHS), introduced the first Covid-19Awareness Course for front liners, including doctors, nurses,and health professionals alongside the citizens at thebeginning of the Coronavirus pandemic. At present, theplatform is offering 10 Covid-19 online courses with over 4.31lakh enrollments and more than 2.33 lakh participants havesuccessfully completed the offered courses. MuktoPaathlaunched over 200 online courses for 1M+citizens.
■ To enhance knowledge and skills according to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) applying e-Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Future-Ready Knowledge and Skill Development by enabling employment, self-employment and entrepreneurship while contributing in national economy.
■ To provide a cost effective learning platform (electronic learning project) for all including underserved.
■ To assure a life-long learning platform prospect for all.
The Idea
■ A sustainable Bangla online platform for skills andprofessional development will be ensured.
■ Providing all stakeholders with equal opportunity to qualitylearning material anywhere anytime will be assured.
■ Conducting decentralized in-house training programmes,using the learning contents of this platform, will be convenientfor any skill development organizations.
■ Underprivileged and marginalized will be able to beself-employed getting the vocational and technical educationand training through offline and online contents of thisplatform.
Collaboration among the GOV ministries & departments,Non-GOV/NGO/other training Institutions to develop &implement relevant training/online courses (more than 200).The program has partnered with different public and privateorganizations to identify needs, design training and educationprograms for professional and skill development. ThusMuktopaath is helping Bangladesh with its innovative learningmethod that makes meaningful contributions to attainingSDGs goal no 4 (Quality Education) and 8 (Decent Jobs andEconomic growth) and eventually earning a middle-incomestatus in the world arena.
Result and Impact
The e-Learning initiative engaged citizens as well as thecommunity for professional & skill development over multiplesectors. Aiming to provide cost-effective learning alternativesMuktoPaath is available to all, including the underservedpopulation in all prospects.MuktoPaath has signed MoU with about 60 governmenttraining institutions and 30 non-government organizations,reaching beyond 1.1 million learners. Trainees or learners canaccess offline and online content which is called blendedlearning by storing and retrieving contents easily frommemory cards to go through lessons at their comfort time. -In2018, MuktoPaath was the Champion of the worlds mostprestigious award in ICT sector, called the “World Summit onInformation Society (WSIS) Prize-2018.” -In that year,Bangladesh Press Institute (PIB) also awarded the SohelSamad Memorial Award to MuktoPaath for consideration ofnew Innovation/ Creativity in the media field. -In 2021,MuktoPaath is announced as Winner at the 3rd BangladeshInnovation Award 2021 in the Public Service InnovationCitizen Co- Creation Category.