Category : Best Innovation in Education (3rd Party Education)
Innovation Title : 10 Minute School
Organization : 10 Minute School
There are 43 million learners in Bangladesh. These learnersface two major problems:
■ Geographical and financial barriers reduce access to qualityeducation
■ Learners do not have proper skills training to prepare themfor jobsThere are 25 million students enrolled in formal education inBangladesh, but only a handful of them can afford and accessto quality education and after-school tutoring because of thelack of good quality teachers and limited affordability.More than two million young people enter the job marketevery year. About 46% of the total unemployed youth areuniversity graduates.10 Minute School (, the largesteducation technology company of Bangladesh, was foundedin 2015 to bridge these gaps. The platform provides academiccontent and skills training to more than 2 million studentsevery day. This platform is the gateway for the 43 millionyouths of the country to access quality education and skillstraining from any corner of Bangladesh.
The objective of 10 Minute School is to ensure uninterrupted education across all demographic, economic and geographic arenas of Bangladesh through
■ Removing the geographical barrier of education so that students all over Bangladesh can access learning materials anytime, from anywhere
■ Making educational solutions affordable.
■ Enabling life-long learning through providing solutions that enable learning from an early age, to academics, university admission, test preparation and upskilling.
The Idea
The idea was to build digital platforms, i.e. a website( and a mobile application(, so that learners could easily access all the learningsolutions provided by 10 Minute School through a singleaccount. Classes, exams and learning materials are readilyavailable on the platforms so that the students can learn attheir own pace. Signing in to 10 Minute School’s website orapp means one account could unfold countless learningsolutions that will equip the students educationally for theacademic and professional journey of the learners.
■ Built a website and a mobile application for the learners.Today the platform has 25,000+ classes and skills coursesprepared by some of Bangladesh’s best instructors andprofessionals. It provides a personalized learning journey forstudents with the opportunity to test their learning from abank of 50,000+ quizzes additional resources like flashcards,audiobooks, and notes.
■ Created SSC and HSC preparation courses in 2021 andaround 61,000+ students are enrolled in these coursesbecause they are easily accessible and affordable.
■ Introduced industry relevant courses for the upskillingsegment to bridge the gap between aspiring learners andtheir dream jobs.
■ Introduced a new product – Online Batch to enable studentsto get after school tutoring without the hassle of commuting.The classes of these batches are held in the app, whichminimizes the distraction created by the internet and socialmedia.
Result and Impact
■ 10 Minute School has learners from all across the country,54% of our learners come from the suburban and rural areas,which has made them able to remove the geographic barriersbetween the students and quality education.
■ 10 Minute School has received $2M seed funding by one ofthe largest venture capitals of the world, Sequoia Capitalwhich has confirmed their impact and potential to impact theeducation sector of Bangladesh.
■ In 2021 alone, 10 Minute School delivered 8 million learninghours through both real-time and recorded classes thatstudents received and benefitted from.
■ The 10 Minute School app ( has surpassed 3million users who learn daily with the app to progress in theiracademic and professional careers.